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Conservation Meeting Minutes 1/4/07
                                                        Conservation Commission
                                                               January 4, 2007

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Stephen Cremer, Hank Langstroth, Stephan Glicken, and
Christine Turnbull were the members present. Laura Nelson, Finance Committee liaison,
was present in the audience.
8:00 p.m. N.O.I. Hearing continuance filed by AvalonBay Communities, Inc., for the proposed
                construction of an apartment complex community and associated site work, drainage,
                utilities, etc. at 361-363 Norwood Street. DEP #SE-280-0484:
Present:  David Kelly, Engineer, from Kelly Engineering Group. Dennis Lowry, from ENSR, Corp.
              Attorney Adam Hundley, from Goulston & Storrs. Scott Dale, Vice President, AvalonBay
              Communities, Inc. Abutter, Ronald Nogler, 30 Edge Hill Road.
Scott Dale submitted a letter addressing the Commission’s concerns for the proposed project.
The following revisions to the proposed plan entitled, “Site Development Plans for Avalon Sharon,
361-363 Norwood Street, Sharon, MA,” were requested by the Commission and reflected on
sheets numbered 1, 4, 5A and 5B, dated 1/3/07:
Snow storage areas are proposed outside of the 100’ Buffer Zone and marked on the revised plan.
The detail for the proposed access roadway is outlined on the revised plan. The Applicant
proposes to modify the outer edge of a vegetated slope located on the eastern side of the access
road. Erosion control measures will be installed during construction to protect the vegetation
along the slope area. Approximately 6” of compacted gravel is proposed for the access roadway.
A smaller water quality basin is proposed in the eastern section of the site and is shown
 on the revised plan. The proposed level spreader device is being installed approximately
12’ – 15’ further away from the wetlands and is outlined on the revised plan.
The Applicant presented the following information as requested by the Commission:
Notice Project       -  The Applicant is awaiting the MEPA review for the proposed project change.
 Change                                  (The proposed project change has been submitted to MEPA because the project’s
                                    proposed sewer connection to the MWRA system requires approval for an
                                     Interbasin transfer from the Water Resources Commission. The Applicant has
                                    requested a waiver from the mandatory EIR requirement.)
Water Usage        -   The water usage analysis that the Applicant has provided to all
                                     Town Boards/Committees, and the MWRA, for the proposed project has
                                     been determined by analyzing the actual usage in similar communities that
                                     AvalonBay has monitored in the past. The maximum average monthly flow
                        for this project is 65 GPD per bedroom. The Interbasin transfer and MWRA
                                                  connection would allow transfer of 16,120 GPD.
Irrigation System -   The Rain Bird ET Manager, a weather-monitoring component, is proposed to
                                     be attached to the on-site irrigation system. (This system is designed with four
                                     to six sensors that receives wireless updates from local weather stations and
                                     connects to an electrical component that is able to turn water on/off to help
                                     prevent over-watering.)  A full-time employee will be hired to maintain the
                                     irrigation system.
Community Pool -   The initial water filling of the proposed community pool will be completed
                                                 by a private contractor.
                                     David Kelly commented that precipitation essentially equals evaporation
                                    on a regular basis.
Deed Restriction -   The proposed private deed restriction prohibits, in perpetuity, the construction
                                     of buildings on said Parcel C. The permitted uses will include (i) conservation and
                                     passive recreation, (ii) subsurface improvements such as utility lines, facilities related
                                    to the connection to Norwood’s municipal sewer system, and/or on-site
                                    wastewater treatment facilities, including a leaching field, and above-grade utility
                                     lines and related equipment.

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Stephan Glicken inquired as to the scope of the Applicant's proposed xerophilic type of planting system.
David Kelly stated that the proposed landscaping plan includes the installation of small turf areas
surrounding the limits of the proposed development. Drought resistant native plant species are also
being proposed in an effort to conserve water.
Hank Langstroth requested that the burning bush be excluded from the proposed planting plan,
as it is considered to be an invasive plant species.
Peg explained to the Applicant that the following language would be included in the
Order of Conditions issued by the Commission for the proposed project:
The Commission shall be consulted prior to any maintenance activities within the wet meadow and
scrub swamp community in the eastern section of the property. Periodic mowing and selective
cutting/removal of invasive and/or other vegetation is expected.
Peg stated that if the Applicant is successful with the permitting process for the proposed sewer
system, the language in section (ii) of the proposed deed restriction relating to the on-site wastewater
treatment facilities, including a leaching field, should be omitted.
Hank suggested that due to the steep slope area by the access driveway, clay cut-off walls should be
installed to the proposed connecting sewer pipe lines to help prevent groundwater from flowing into the
The Applicant expressed his willingness to comply with this suggestion.
Hank recommended that the design of the bottom of the proposed stormwater holding tank be sloped,
as opposed to flat, with three – four nozzles installed on the uphill side of it. He also recommended that an
overflow device be installed high inside the pumping chamber to allow any excess water from a major storm
event to empty into the holding tank. This would alleviate the need for automatic pumping valves and also
allow the solids in the system to accumulate into the pumping chamber rather than the holding tank.
The Applicant expressed his appreciation concerning these helpful recommendations.
Laura Nelson inquired as to how water would be provided for the proposed irrigation system.
The Applicant stated that the water for the irrigation system would be obtained from a private well
on the proposed development site.
The Conservation Administrator explained that a variance from the Board of Health might be
needed to install a private well on the site and would be subject to the Town’s water restrictions.
Peg suggested that the Applicant contact the Board of Selectmen for more information concerning the
Town’s water restrictions.
Laura Nelson inquired as to whether an area of the site has been designated for wastewater treatment
facilities in the event that the Applicant is not able to obtain the necessary permits for the proposed
sewer connection through the MWRA system.
Scott Dale replied that perc tests were performed on the proposed site without favorable results.
Laura Nelson presented an article that appeared in a local newspaper concerning the proposed project.
The article outlines the Town of Norwood’s budget concerns in relation to the proposed water
connection and how they might consider changing some of their rules concerning the MWRA
permitting process.
Scott Dale stated that he feels the article highlights the need for a full Interbasin Transfer Permit for
the proposed sewer connection to the MWRA. (The Applicant initially thought that they would obtain
a Determination of Insignificance from the Water Resources Commission which would have avoided
going through the MEPA process for the Interbasin Transfer Permit.)
Peg called for a motion to close the hearing pending the acceptable deed restriction language.
Stephen Cremer moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

8:50 p.m. Signatures:

The Commission signed bills.

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8:55 p.m. Approve Past Meeting Minutes:

Peg called for a motion to accept the December 7, 2006 meeting minutes as presented.
Christine Turnbull moved. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

Peg called for a motion to accept the December 21, 2006 meeting minutes as presented.
Hank Langstroth moved. Christine Turnbull seconded. Voted. 4-0-1.

9:10 p.m. Adjournment:

Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
Stephen Cremer moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.